Your Social Professional Influence on LinkedIn depends on 3 factors YOU CAN CONTROL:

This is important because the more Influence --> the more Opportunities

  • 1

    The number of connections

    How big is your network AND how targeted or interesting are your 1st degree connections?

  • 2

    Your professional reputation and the quality of your relationships

    Is your profile compelling and optimized for your professional objectives? And how meaningful are your conversations with your (targeted) connections?

  • 3

    Your authority or ranking in your own network

    Where do you stand in your 1st degree connections? Click the blue button below.

Click Here to see Your Ranking Now

Welcome to LinkedIn Marketing Machine (LMM)

1. Boost your LinkedIn Influence | 2. Grow your Targeted Professional Network | 3. Send Personalized Messages to your New Connections on Auto-Pilot

Keep reading only if you care for your Professional Social Influence 🙂

Want some proof that LMM works? CLICK HERE +

Want to check where I stand out in your network? Please send me an invitation to connect allow a few hours for me to accept your invitation and check again who ranks at the top of your network 😉

This was me a few months ago

This is how my #Rank has improved and my network has grown recently...

More profile views lead to more Business Opportunities

Why I keep using LMM software?

I have nearly 6.000 1st degree connections. The very same day we connected, they received a welcome personalized message where I tried to add a lot of value. As a result of my email (and my profile), most new connections were grateful or showed interest in my work. That was the begining of a meaningful conversation.

These 6.000 connections allow me to reach to nearly 3.000.000 2nd degree contacts. LinkedIn will show them my profile on TOP RESULTS when they search for a profile like mine because of my higher Ranking.

Ranking brings you more influence AND more opportunities.

Get LinkedIn Marketing Machine

Hi, I am a professional coach and you are about to learn how I am getting coaching clients in Barcelona on auto-pilot. Stop "chasing" prospects. Stand Out & attract them in a professional pressure-free way.

Sergi Mora
Why I love LinkedIn: Click here +
  • 1

    64% of visits from social media sites to corporate websites come from LinkedIn

    Source: eConsultancy

  • 2

    45% of B2B marketers have gained a customer through LinkedIn

    Source: Social Media Today

  • 3

    You're 70% more likely to get an appointment with a cold prospect if you are in a common LinkedIn group


  • 4

    At least 40% of users check LinkedIn daily


LinkedIn's Vision for the Next 10 Years

Need more Proof? these 14 conversations were created on Nov. 11th with LMM software

  • 1

    Ed is offering himself to partner with me. Thanks!

  • 2

    Lorena acknowledges my email and would like to attend a training with me

  • 3

    This guy CALLED ME on the 11/11 (following our message of 4 days ago) to invited me to talk to his collegues 🙂

  • 4

    One of my valuable connections in LinkedIn decides to buy my book. Thank you 🙂

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  • 5

    Joaquin feels the need to endorse me for several skills

  • 6

    Carlos (a prospect) comes to me and invites me to join him

  • 7

    Another meaningful conversation: David opens himself up and explains me about his challenges

  • 8

    Anna asks for my profesional services. Wow!

  • 9

    Again, this is another meaningful conversation (Maura explains to me about her challenges)

  • 10

    Short message from Maite that shows emotion and gratitude!!

  • 11

    Júlia feels appreciation for my email (that's key in LMM process)

  • 12

    Andrea is happy to be in contact with me. And I am happy that we can now deepen our conversation

  • 13

    Albert feels grateful 🙂

  • 14

    And this other Andrea says she will recommend my site :)) Thank you!

14 opportunities in a day 🙂 Welcome to LMM: your LinkedIn Marketing Machine!

Get Started Now

How LMM 4 step process works

fade-leftfade-rightStep1 to Step4 can be performed automatically (without your intervention)

  • 1. Attract
  • 2. Connect
  • 3. Engage
  • 1

    STEP1: Visit your prospects' profiles

    Upload thousands of targeted profiles to visit with 1 click. Expect 10% of them will notice your visit and will visit you back! The more profile views you have, the higher your #ranking in your contact's list is (the more you'll stand out in LinkedIn). Some of those who visit you back will INVITE you to connect (this will make your Network GROW).

Define who you'd like to generate meaningful conversations with

In this example, the LinkedIn search is for 2nd degree professionals who share the same University Alumni Group, who are from my same city ZIP Code (Barcelona) and are either Founders OR Co-Founders OR CEO OR Directors OR Owners OR Manager. As you see there are 1,663 possible results for me. LMM will visit those profiles. Expect that 5-10% of them (depending on how compelling your profile is) will visit you back. You may want to check to stay ahead of the LinkedIn game.

  • 2

    STEP2 (optional): Send a personalized invitation to those prospects that visited you back but did not invite you to connect

    After LMM has visited 100, 500 or even 1000 profiles every day, LMM sends an invitation to connect to those professionas that visited you back (this is optional and requires that you have LinkedIn Premium plan)

Grow your network with targeted contacts

Did you now that according to Forbes the most used features people currently use and value is "Who's viewed your profile"? Premium plans allow this feature without restrictions (try it Free for 30 days).

LMM can send a PERSONALIZED invitation message that gets you NEW targeted connections:


I’ve seen you’ve visited my profile and we may both share some common interests. Why don’t we connect and expand our network of possibilities?

Best Regards!

Your Name

  • 3

    STEP3: Predispose your new connections positively towards you

    When you do a secret ** SIMPLE ACTION ** your NEW connections will feel the need to reciprocate, or they will be more open to you (when you send them a message on step 4). I explain this secret action on the PDF you'll get when you buy LMM Software

  • 4

    STEP4: Send your new connection a personalized welcome message

    Write a short message where you show them that you are a skilled professional and you care for them. Add real value and they will be open to a meaningful conversation with you 🙂

Add value to your new connections with a PERSONALIZED message

What I usually do is tell them what my strongest skill is AND show them a proof by giving away something they can put into practice right now. You only have an opportunity to make a first good impression, and this is the right time to add (free) value. That's how you will start generating 5, 10 or more meaninful conversations every day with your new contacts 🙂

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